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TeRABIT at the GARR Conference 2024

TeRABIT at GARR Conference 2024: a focus on digital infrastructures and supercomputing

07 June 2024

The TeRABIT project played a prominent role at GARR Conference 2024, held in Brescia from May 29 to 31. The event covered topics such as digital infrastructures and skills, supercomputing, artificial intelligence, big data, and cybersecurity, aiming to delve into the latest innovations and their impact on scientific research and education. 

As part of the program, in the session "Supercomputing and Research Infrastructures - Supercalcolo e infrastrutture per la ricerca" moderated by Stefano Salon, Research Director at OGS, Claudio Grandi from INFN, a member of the TeRABIT Scientific Committee, presented the PNRR TeRABIT and ICSC projects (National Research Centre for HPC, Big Data, and Quantum Computing).  His talk "A Federated Cloud Infrastructure for ICSC and TeRABIT - Una infrastruttura Cloud federata per ICSC e TeRABIT" examined the current state of the two national infrastructures funded by PNRR to support the Italian research system and create a federated digital infrastructure. 

Also attending the event were Chiara Scaini, a technologist from OGS, and Silvia Calegari, Infrastructure Manager of TeRABIT, with a dedicated stand to illustrate the project and showcase one of the first applications on the infrastructure, namely the OGS project for earthquake simulation and early damage assessment. The exhibition space also provided an opportunity to promote the TeRABIT Conference on June 25 in Bologna. During the event titled "Networks, HPC and Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges Created by National Research Infrastructures - Reti, HPC e Cloud Computing: opportunità e sfide create dalle infrastrutture nazionali di ricerca", use cases and contributions on the evolution of national research infrastructures and federated services for users, key objectives of the TeRABIT project, will be presented.

TeRABIT Conference 2024


Una infrastruttura Cloud federata per ICSC e TeRABIT - C. Grandi - Conferenza GARR 2024


Una infrastruttura Cloud federata per ICSC e TeRABIT

ICSC, il Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing, e TeRABIT, il progetto sulle infrastrutture di ricerca che sta potenziando le infrastrutture digitali di CARR, CINECA e INFN in totale sinergia con ICSC, sono ormai a metà dei progetti. Anche se una gran parte dei fondi dei progetti e dedicato al potenziamento delle infrastrutture e l’acquisizione di risorse, una gran parte del lavoro e dedicata alla creazione di un modello capace di federare le risorse gestite da entità diverse. In questo contributo si descrivono le attività per creare una infrastruttura Cloud federata per ICSC e TeRABIT.

pdf Grandi - Conferenza GARR 2024 (6.54 MB)