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TeRABIT Workshop

TeRABIT Workshop

 About the event

Bologna, 26 June 2024


Centro Congressi of the CNR Territorial Research Area

How to get there



09:30 – 09:45 Welcome (Silvia Calegari - CNAF-INFN)
  Part 1: How to learn news tools to make the most of IR services and resources
09:45 – 10:00 PRACE-Italy use case (Giorgio Bolzon, Elisa Zuccolo, Fabio Pitari, Lucia Rodriguez)
pdf PRACE Italy use case - Bolzon (5.23 MB)
10:00 – 10:15 HPC-BD-AI use case (Giacinto Donvito)
pdf HPC-BD-AI use case - Donvito (5.17 MB)
10:15 – 10:30 GARR-T use case (Paolo Bolletta, Ettore Tamiro)
pdf GARR-T use case - Bolletta (3.51 MB)
10_30 – 10:45 Coffee break
  Part 2: Understanding IR services and resources: different solutions for different problems
10:45-11:15 Services and resources of PRACE-Italy, with examples/success stories (Mirko Cestari, Fabio Pitari, Debora Testi, Giusy Muscianisi, Lucia Rodriguez Munoz)
pdf Servizi e risorse di PRACE Italy - Muscianisi (2.99 MB)
11:15-11:45 Services and resources od HPC-BD-AI, with examples/success stories (Giacinto Donvito)
pdf Servizi e risorse di HPC-BD-AI - Donvito (5.33 MB)
11:45-12:15 Services and resources of GARR-T, with examples/success stories (Paolo Bolletta, Ettore Tamiro)
pdf Servizi e risorse di GARR-T - Tamiro (6.34 MB)
  Part 3: Discussion in working groups organized based on the questionnaire responses
12:15-12:45 Brief introductions of participants in each working group and start of discussion, presentation of the mural app used during the discussion
pdf 00 - working group - slide (1.13 MB)
12:45-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Continuation of discussion and feedback from working groups (Moderator: Silvia Calegari)
pdf 02 - working group - slide (1.18 MB)
pdf 03 - working group - slide (521 KB)
pdf 04 - working group - slide (844 KB)
pdf 05 - working group - slide (1.12 MB)
pdf 06 - working group - slide (827 KB)
15:30 Departure and subsequent visit to the Technopole
17:30 Back to Centro Congressi of the CNR Territorial Research Area